Brewing Love Across and Beyond: Wealthlink’s Valentine Celebration

Wealthlink Inc. | Valentines-Day-2024-1536×864

At Wealthlink (WLI), we value our employees and recently spread love and cheer to all our employees across Metro Manila, Calabarzon, and beyond with a heartwarming Valentine’s Day celebration.

WLI’s Marketing and Operations Team made their rounds with a mission to greet each employee with a personalized pack of drip coffee, complete with playful pickup lines, adding a delightful touch of fun to the occasion. The combination of the aromatic coffee and the playful pickup lines brought smiles and laughter to our employees creating a memorable and heartwarming experience.

The Valentine’s Day celebration not only exemplified WLI’s commitment to recognizing the hard work of our employees but also created a positive and enjoyable work environment for all, reflecting our commitment to their well-being and happiness. We strive to create a workplace where every employee feels valued, supported, and cherished. Watch FULL VIDEO.

Here’s to continuing to brew love and unity among our incredible WLI team members….WE HAVE YOUR BACK!

Please watch our FULL VIDEO 👉 Wealthlink’s Valentine Celebration