Fight for the Voiceless: WealthLink’s Feeding Program with PAWS

Wealthlink Inc. | PAWS

At Wealthlink, compassion extends beyond business as we recently embarked on a heartwarming Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative, “Fight for the Voiceless”. In collaboration with the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), our team organized a feeding program for stray cats and dogs on November 24, 2023.

With an unwavering commitment to animal welfare, all Wealthlink employees actively participated in preparing  and cooking meals for the voiceless creatures. This initiative goes beyond meeting a goal; it exemplifies our belief in being kind to animals, whether stray or not.

Moreover, this feeding program served as a bonding opportunity for our employees. As our team members worked together, they forged connections and strengthened bonds, emphasizing that compassion is not just a company value but a shared sentiment that unites us all.

In the spirit of kindness, Wealthlink continues to strive for a better world, where every act of compassion, no matter how small, creates a ripple effect of positive change. This CSR initiative is not just about feeding the voiceless, it’s about nurturing a culture of care and empathy within our company and beyond.